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Judge Alerts Lawyers About Facebook Post Claiming Insight into Jury Deliberations in Trump’s Hush Money Trial

The hush money trial judge for Donald Trump, Juan Merchan, has drawn attention to an ominous Facebook post that purports to have inside information regarding the jury’s verdict. The judge reported this post, which purportedly came from a person posing as a juror’s relative.

The Facebook post from the New York court system containing the following comment has subsequently been deleted: “My cousin is a juror and says Trump is getting convicted.” I want to thank everyone for their hard effort! It surfaced in response to a notification posted on May 29 regarding an unrelated court case.

Judge Merchan did not clarify in his letter to the prosecution or Trump’s defense team whether the post was real or the product of an internet troll joke. Preliminary investigations indicate that the account may be linked to a person well-known for posting controversial remarks on the court’s social media profiles.

On May 30, the jury returned a guilty verdict on all 34 counts pertaining to Trump’s attempts to intimidate Stormy Daniels into disclosing their relationship prior to the 2016 election. Discussions have been triggered by this tweet, especially among Trump fans who are doubting the justice of the trial’s verdict.

Judge Merchan emphasized that jurors had received strict instructions not to bring up the matter while it was being tried. Concerns were raised when this post appeared during the jury’s deliberation phase, so the judge notified the attorneys as a precaution. As of right now, there’s no proof that the post affected the jury or provided any real understanding of their conversations.

Another update is that Todd Blanche, Trump’s lawyer, has been granted permission by Judge Merchan to accompany Trump to his pre-sentence interview with a probation officer. The goal of this meeting is to get ready for Trump’s July 11 sentence.

The consequences of Trump’s conviction are still being felt, and the public and legal experts are keeping a careful eye on them.

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