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7 Reasons Why No One Is Moving To Oregon

Despite being a stunning state with lots of natural attractions, Oregon is not a popular place for people to move. People may be hesitant to relocate to Oregon for the following reasons:

High Cost of Living

Living in Oregon is among the most costly states in the US. With a cost of living index of 131.2, it is 31.2% more expensive than the US average. At $411,300, the typical home price is approximately 77.4% greater than the national median. Furthermore, the income tax rate in Oregon is substantial, varying from 5.9% to 9.9% based on your income.

Lack of Diversity

Diversity is scarce in Oregon. White people make up about 86.7% of the population; the proportions of Asians (4.4%), Black or African Americans (2.2%), Native Americans or Alaska Natives (1.8%), and Hispanics or Latinos (13.9%) are lower. The state has a history of racial exclusion and discrimination, and it still faces challenges with social justice, inequality, and racism.

Unpredictable Weather

Oregon is renowned for its overcast, rainy weather, which has an impact on people’s mental and emotional well-being. The state receives 42 inches of rain on average year, more than the 36 inches that the rest of the country receives. Compared to the national average of 205 days of sunshine per year, Oregon experiences roughly 144 days of sunshine annually. Depending on the location, there can be significant variations in the weather, from cold and dry highland locations to moist coastal areas.

Natural Disasters

Natural catastrophes like earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, wildfires, floods, and tsunamis are common in Oregon. The Cascadia Subduction Zone, where the state is located, is a fault line capable of causing enormous earthquakes and tsunamis. Numerous volcanoes, including Mount Hood and Crater Lake, are still active. Wildfires and landslides are also frequent occurrences, particularly in the rainy and dry seasons. Furthermore, floods can occur in the state occasionally, especially in low-lying areas close to rivers and streams.

Limited Job Opportunities

While Oregon has a comparatively low 4.9% unemployment rate, its 0.9% job growth rate is lower than the 1.6% national average. A select few industries, including manufacturing, technology, forestry, agriculture, and fishing, are very important to the state’s economy. The national median income of $72,388 is higher than the median family income of $67,058.

Strict Environmental Regulations

Oregon is a very green state with numerous regulations designed to preserve the environment and lower carbon emissions. For instance, there is a low carbon fuel standard mandating a 10% decrease in transportation fuel carbon intensity by 2025, a bottle bill requiring a 10-cent deposit on beverage containers, and a prohibition on single-use plastic bags. Although these rules are good for the environment, some people may find them to be expensive and inconvenient.

Isolation from Other States

Oregon boasts a lengthy coastline along the Pacific Ocean and is somewhat secluded, with just California and Washington as neighbors. At 42.6 persons per square mile, the state has a lower population density than the national average of 69.2. There aren’t many large cities; the only one with a population of more than 500,000 is Portland. There is just one major interstate highway (I-5) and one international airport (Portland International Airport), making the transportation network small.


Although Oregon offers a lot of charm and natural beauty, it might not be the perfect place for everyone. High living expenses, a lack of variety, erratic weather patterns, the possibility of natural disasters, a small job market, stringent environmental regulations, and the state’s isolation from neighboring states can all be disincentives. However, people who value Oregon’s distinctive culture and way of life can find these same elements intriguing. Moving to Oregon ultimately comes down to personal goals and tastes.

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