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Harvey Weinstein Hospitalized Upon Return to New York City

After his release from an upstate prison, Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein was admitted to a hospital in New York City for testing. On Saturday, Weinstein’s attorney, Arthur Aidala, verified that the man was taken to Bellevue Hospital in Manhattan as soon as he arrived.

Weinstein needs serious medical attention, according to Aidala, who also notes that he has a number of physical difficulties. Aidala stated that Weinstein is being thoroughly tested at Bellevue; nevertheless, the hospital did not disclose any particulars on his state of health.

Following an appeals court decision that reversed his 2020 rape conviction and mandated a new trial, Weinstein has returned to New York City. The court found that during Weinstein’s trial, jurors were shown material unconnected to the charges against him.

Prosecutors have said that they plan to prosecute Weinstein on charges pertaining to alleged sexual assault in spite of the overturned verdict. Weinstein was convicted of rape in Los Angeles in 2022 and given a 16-year prison sentence. He is presently being held at Bellevue Hospital.

Given the rumors of his cardiac difficulties, diabetes, sleep apnea, and eye disorders, Weinstein’s health has been under scrutiny for a while. Aidala confirmed that Weinstein’s mental faculties are unaffected by these physical problems.

Weinstein was allegedly refused access to food and drink during his transit, according to Aidala, who also condemned the way he was treated. Thomas Mailey, a spokesman for state prisons, declined to address Aidala’s comments, though.

At Bellevue Hospital, medical professionals are constantly monitoring Weinstein’s condition and performing extensive testing. Aidala will meet with Weinstein on Monday and intends to speak out in favor of a retrial during Weinstein’s Wednesday court appearance in Manhattan following Labor Day.

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