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Rudest City in America Revealed, and It’s Located in Pennsylvania

To find out which cities people consider to be the rudest and the most courteous, a recent study polled 1,500 people living in the 30 largest metropolitan regions in the United States. The study, which was carried out by the language learning app Preply, was designed to give travelers an idea of what to anticipate in terms of rudeness levels and behaviors in various cities.

Key Findings

  • The rudest U.S. cities, according to residents, include Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Memphis, Tennessee, and New York City, New York.
  • The most polite U.S. cities, according to residents, include Austin, TX, San Diego, CA, and Fort Worth, TX.
  • Common rude behaviors in the U.S. include people being absorbed by their phones, refusing to let people merge in traffic, and being noisy in shared spaces.
  • Locals tend to be viewed as ruder than non-locals in many cities.

The Rudest U.S. Cities

On a scale of one to ten, locals assessed how impolite people in their city were on average. The top three rudest cities were determined to be Philadelphia, Memphis, and New York City, with scores of 6.43, 6.05, and 6.00, respectively. This could be explained by the fast-paced, solitary lifestyle of these cities.

The Most Polite U.S. Cities

Cities with low rudeness scores, such as Austin and San Diego, are thought to have a generally pleasant society. These cities are renowned for their Southern hospitality and welcoming environments.

Common Rude Behaviors

Communal spaces were disrespected and problematic driving was noted as a prevalent impolite conduct. inhabitants of Memphis were cited for having trouble merging into traffic and for being loud in public, while inhabitants of New York City were recognized for being engrossed in their phones.

Rudeness Among Locals vs. Non-Locals

In general, non-locals were rated as ruder than locals by 55% of respondents. Philadelphia, Boston, and New York City had more impolite residents, whereas Charlotte, Nashville, and Phoenix had more impolite visitors.

Rudeness When Traveling Abroad

According to 76% of respondents, even inadvertently, Americans have a tendency to behave badly when they visit elsewhere. Tipping, utilizing certain hand signals, and modifying or skipping meals are examples of common rude actions when traveling abroad.


The way that rudeness is perceived is greatly influenced by cultural variations. Understanding the customs and conduct of various cultures can aid in preventing miscommunications. Learning a language can also help with polite conversation and cultural awareness.


From June 15 to June 20, 2022, 1,577 Americans living in the 30 biggest cities were surveyed for the study. On a scale of one to ten, respondents were asked to rank how impolite they thought the typical city dweller was. The most courteous cities were those with ratings above average, and the rudest cities were those with scores below average.

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