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Study Reveals Presence of Plastic Shards in Human Testicles

Microplastics and nanoplastics have been found in human testicles at levels higher than those in animal testes and human placentas, according to a recent study published in the journal Toxicological Sciences.

The study’s researcher, toxicologist Matthew Campen, claims that these plastics are extremely minute particles, often measuring between 20 and 200 nanometers in width and less than half a micron in length. They start to resemble tiny, broken fragments that look like old plastic.

These microscopic plastic particles has the capacity to infiltrate distinct cells and tissues within main organs, so posing a risk to cellular functions and leaving behind toxic substances such as flame retardants, phthalates, bisphenol A, PFAS, and heavy metals.

These drugs may cause anomalies in the genital and reproductive organs, lower female fertility, and a decrease in the number of sperm in humans by interfering with human reproduction. It is noteworthy that within the past fifty years, the Endocrine Society has noted a significant decline in sperm counts in some parts of the world.

The study compared 47 dog testes with 23 preserved testes from deceased people ranging in age from 16 to 88. Examining the testes, researchers discovered that human testes included a greater diversity of plastics and a notably higher concentration of microplastic shards than did canine testes.

In both species, polyethylene was found to be the most frequent polymer type, followed by polyvinyl chloride (PVC). It is important to remember that PVC frequently includes heavy metals and chemical compounds like lead, cadmium, and phthalates. Phthalates, also referred to be “everywhere chemicals,” are frequently added to consumer goods in order to increase their resilience and flexibility.

Strangely, the study found that men’s testes between the ages of 20 and 45 had higher concentrations of plastics, indicating a peak reproductive phase. But at the age of fifty-five, their levels started to fall. Nonetheless, research suggests that younger testicles may gather more plastic particles due to their higher energy requirements.

The long-term effects of the doubling of plastic exposure every ten to fifteen years are a source of great concern. To address this problem and reduce the possible hazards associated with plastic pollution in the human body, immediate action is required.

More investigation is required to completely understand the impact of plastics on human health and fertility, even if this study offers insightful information on their existence in reproductive tissue.

In the interim, consumers can choose to use glass and stainless steel containers, avoid putting food in the microwave, and use fewer single-use plastics. These actions will help them reduce their exposure to plastic.

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