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The Story Behind This Haunted Hotel in Wyoming is Terrifying

Although Wyoming is well known for its breathtaking scenery, it also has a mysterious and sinister past. The Plains Hotel in Cheyenne, which has been open since 1911, is one of the state’s most famous haunted places. The hotel has a long history of welcoming notable visitors, such as Harry Truman, Ernest Hemingway, and Theodore Roosevelt, but it has also accepted less desirable occupants, such as ghosts, spirits, and demons.

The Ghostly Presence of Rosie

One of the well-known ghosts who haunt the Plains Hotel is Rosie, a young lady whose life was tragically taken from her in room 444 by her husband. It’s rumored that Rosie and her partner picked the hotel for their honeymoon, but their happiness was fleeting. After learning of Rosie’s adultery, her husband shot her and then turned the gun on himself out of pure rage.

It is reported that Rosie’s ghost wanders the hotel hallways looking for her beloved. Visitors claim to have heard her footfall, seen her shadow, or felt her icy touch. Some say she likes to play with the phones, TVs, and lights in their rooms; others have seen her ghostly form by the bed or by the window, dressed in a white dress and veil.

The Malevolent Presence in the Basement

A monster that lives in the Plains Hotel’s basement is another menacing presence. During Prohibition, the basement was a speakeasy. Later, it was a casino and nightclub where people could engage in illegal activities like prostitution, gambling, drinking, and even murder. According to believers, these transgressions have let loose a demonic entity that feeds on negative energy and opened a portal to hell.

It is said that the demon is violent and hostile, pursuing anyone who dares to enter its domain. Workers have reported unpleasant smells, unexpected decreases in temperature, and an overpowering feeling of fear coming from the basement, in addition to hearing growls, cries, or laughs. Some have reported feeling scratched, bit, or punched by the demon, or they have seen its crimson eyes, horns, or claws. Some even describe experiences when they were possessed and behaved violently or strangely.

Guided Tours Through Haunted History

Those who are brave enough to explore the Plains Hotel may choose to take one of the staff-led haunted history tours. These tours take visitors to the hotel’s most haunted areas, which include the ballroom, the basement, and room 444. They also tell the legends and myths that go along with each stop. In an effort to gather proof of the paranormal, participants can also use ghost hunting tools including thermal cameras, EVP recorders, and EMF meters.

The haunted history excursions cost $25 per person and run every night from 8 to 10 p.m. Reservations may be made at the front desk, over the phone, or online. A word of warning, though: these trips are not for the timid, and you might have unplanned meetings with people from beyond the grave. Ready to face the terrifying stories of the Plains Hotel?


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