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Ohio Republicans Stand Firm: Reject Democrats’ Push to Feature Biden on November Ballot

The Democratic Party’s suggestion to have President Joe Biden on the November ballot was rejected by Ohio’s Republican leaders. They claim it’s all due to scheduling conflicts with the Democratic Party convention.

Following Ohio’s Secretary of State Frank LaRose’s warning to the Democrats that Biden might not be allowed to appear on the ballot due to Ohio’s election laws, Biden was rejected.

So here’s the thing: According to Ohio law, the ballot must be completed 90 days prior to the election, meaning by August 7 of this year. But on August 19, Biden will formally be nominated at the Democratic National Convention.

Speaking on behalf of the Democrats, attorney Don McTigue proposed that they approve Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in the interim prior to the deadline. He emphasized that Biden had already garnered sufficient support in the primary, becoming victorious with 87% of Ohio’s vote.

The team led by Attorney General Dave Yost countered, “Not so fast.” They assert that Ohio law is unambiguous and that no one can alter the requirement that the Democratic Party formally certify its nominees for president and vice president by August 7.

What does this mean for the Democrats now? They have a few choices, though. They could attempt to persuade the lawmakers to alter the deadline, just as they did when the similar problem arose in 2020.

However, that could be a long shot. Republicans aren’t rushing to assist either, but Democratic leaders appear to be leaning more toward letting the Biden campaign and the Democratic National Committee handle it.

There are other states outside Ohio that are having similar kind of issue. States such as Alabama and Washington find themselves in a similar situation. Interestingly, unlike Ohio, the Democratic secretary of state in Washington is cool with a provisional certification. Regardless, Don McTigue and the Biden campaign staff are certain that Biden will be on the ballot in every state, but they are keeping quiet about their next course of action.

In summary, Ohio’s GOP’s refusal to accommodate the Democrats underscores the difficulties that arise when convention schedules and election deadlines collide. It appears that the Democrats will need to ensure that Biden’s name appears on every ballot in the nation and work through the legal system or the legislature to find a solution.

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